Anne Sage x Bente

A collection of rugs by floor sitters for floor sitters

These rugs are ultra soft and inviting, traditional with a twist. They're unusual and offbeat in colors and patterns you don't see every day. Some are vintage and completely one-of-a-kind, while others we had specially commissioned and can be woven-to-order if you need a different size. We also included some striped throws with massive pompoms because the only thing better than a cozy spot on the rug is a big ol' blanket to go with it!


Spirited + dynamic patterns that pack a major personality punch


Showstopping foundational pieces with an exceptional feel


Rugs that whisper “come on in and stay awhile”

Sage Living
Anne Sage

Rugs are in Anne's blood. Well, no, not literally. That would be weird. But she is a 3rd generation rug enthusiast who grew up tagging along behind her mother and grandmother as they went on rug scouting trips to feed the family obsession with textiles. And, more importantly, she's a lifelong floor sitter who eschews the sofa in favor of a plush, cozy rug every time. Anne believes in the power of a fabulous rug to set the scene for a welcoming, inviting, and utterly chic space. And she believes in the power of handmade rugs, specifically, to unite craftspeople with consumers in a shared bond of beauty that transcends the boundaries of geography and time.

Bente Vintage
Nicole Kreuz

Nicole’s eye for rugs is equally inspired by her love for art history and interior design. She’s passionate about timelessly stylish rugs and bringing one of a kind, handmade, durable works of art into your modern home. As mom of two she understands the importance of durability. She can’t stand things that don’t last; Bachelor engagements, naptime, and cheap machine-made rugs. Her goal is to make rug shopping accessible and enjoyable. It doesn’t matter if you know the difference between low and medium pile, Persian and Moroccan, or Timothy Olyphant and Josh Duhamel. She's here to help with that, you just worry about choosing a rug that brings you joy. 

Throws and Pillows